Tuesday 16 April 2013

Lights Out Canada

 Lights Out Canada: Raising awareness about global warming

April has been a fairly quiet month for events, but there’s an important one coming up that everyone should participate in. This event is called Lights Out Canada.
            Lights Out Canada is being held on Monday, April 22, 2013. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about global warming and the environment. Schools can participate by signing up at Lights Out Canada's website. On April 22, participating schools will turn the lights out in their facility to reduce electricity use. Having the lights out will cause people to ask questions and generate discussion about electricity use and global warming.

              Turning the lights out relates to global warming because sources used to power the lights  include oil, coal, nuclear power, and wind power. No Canadian province uses completely renewable sources. Even hydro power requires fossil fuels, and when fossil fuels are used they contribute to global warming.
            To view a map of the schools participating in Lights Out Canada, visit the following link. http://lightsoutcanada.tpweb.ca/?page_id=262

Brought to you by Hebbville Media!

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