Thursday 24 January 2013

A respect Short story

Anthony, Connor, Talor
Respect Personal Space and Others Property
It’s the first day of school for Lily, and she is super excited, but what she didn’t know is, the person she will be sitting by the whole year, will be her worst nightmare in touching all her binders as well as not minding her personal space. It went a little like this.
Lily went and sat down at her desk, and right after here come’s her new friend Betsy. For the first class they got to know each other, asked questions like what they like and where they are from. The next class she got a little feel for what she was like, Betsy started stealing her pencil case. Lily got really annoyed. She always took it as joke though. Sometimes Betsy would always hug Lily and not let Lily have a personal bubble. Finally Lily had enough! She decided to tell Betsy that if she didn’t stop she would get her in trouble, and stop being her friend. Betsy walked away.
Later that day Betsy came up to Lily and thanked her for saying that, and she said she was right. Now Betsy and Lily are best of friends. They even go around to schools teaching about respecting personal-space and others property.
                        Brought to you by Hebbville Media

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