Thursday 27 November 2014

Monday 3 November 2014

How to be a good or bad student 

 The main way to be a good and appropriate student at school is to be well behaved. So here are some fine tips to make your curriculum way better.
The basics of being a good student is to listen to your teachers, respect others  and the school rules. Example, just a small thing like walking down the right side of the stairs helps everyone out, also to stay in the correct boundaries inside the school and outside on the playground
Another way to make your teachers pleased is to get to class on time and prepared for class. That is a very big thing! If you’re the first person in class, you might earn an award, such like pebs. Trust me, your teacher will not like it if u need to grab something out of your locker or use the bathroom as soon as class starts!  If you did happen to forget something in your locker, wait until your teacher is done explaining  what you need to do for this class.
If you see signs around the school saying DO NOT ENTER. Make sure to not enter the illegal area! There might be a private meeting for a class trip or something you don’t even want to hear!!!! No matter how curious you are, don’t enter without teachers permission.
CUSSING!! Make sure not to say anything inappropriate in class that is irrelevant to the subject, including swearing. It doesn't matter what you say with your friends, but in class, yes it does!
Those are the main things on how to be a GOOD student in class. 

This is not teaching you how to be bad. This is teaching you how to fix problems with bad students.
If some one is bullying you, you are a bigger person to walk away and tell a teacher.
If someone has made a mess in the bathroom, just clean it up, like its no big deal.
If you see someone getting bulled, stop it ASAP 1. By telling a teacher or 2. Stop it your self.
If you see your friend starting to do something horrible in class tell them to think about the consequences.
Brought to you by Hebbville media