Thursday 22 May 2014

Hi I’m Alyssa and this is Justina. For our media project we’re going to introduce the organization Live different. Live different started as a Canadian charity in 2000. They try to make a difference in people’s lives.
            Live different was first called “Absolute Leadership Development”. Live different goes around to schools in Canada to put on a motivational production. They put on a concert style assembly.
            Live different has a program called “hero holidays”. Hero holidays provide opportunities to volunteer in relief projects to those who are living in extreme poverty. Some of the things they do are building homes, distributing supplies, providing food, and mobile medical clinics.
            Live different has an academy and the students spend time in Mexico completing a course on international social justice. You have to be 14 to go and participate in Mexico you do building projects, excursions, exploring, daily classes, chores, community projects, teaching, volunteering, rock picking, and working in the fields.

How To Study!

The Do's and Don'ts of Studying.

Do: Pay Attention in Class!
Don't: Fall Asleep.

Do: Be Organized!
Don't: Have Everything Everywhere.

Do: Highlight Important Notes
Don't: Try to Memorize Everything

Do: Give Yourself Enough Time To Study Before the Test!
Don't: Leave It Until Last Minute.

Do: Find a Quiet Place to Study!
Don't: Get Distracted.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Awards night

           Awards night is on June 12 and is open from grade 6 to 9 in the gymnasium.  Come to see the academic excellence, track, basketball, social justice and other extra-curricular awards. Each family is allowed to bring two people free of charge anyone else is required to pay a fee of two dollars. There is always a fun time to be had socialize with the others attending the event, cheer for your friends and family who have revived one of these prestigious awards. Thank you and hope to see you there

Thanks: Hebbville Media