Thursday 24 April 2014

         IBL BLOG

This is a blog on some of the safety rules of the school, we are doing this because we see these rules being broken all the time so we would like to share them through a blog.

The first rule that we see often is people walking on the right side of the stairs, we see this rule broken multiple times every day, if you walk on the wrong side of the stairs you could get hit by other people walking on the right side.

For our next rule this is one most often broken, your not to run in the halls screaming this is very disturbing to working students and teachers, when in the halls always walk and use indoor voices.

Be respectful: keep your hands and feet to yourself, that means your not to touch anyone unless they say you can or if your plaguing a game.

School property: stay on school property at all times during recess and lunch we do not want you to wander off I case of a fire drill and we will never know what you are and you could get hurt and the you would not be able to warn someone or get help.

Use gym supplies properly: The gym supplies should be used in a proper manor, that means not throwing or hitting it on the ground. And also when playing dodgeball always aim for the chest area because people don't want to get hit in the face because it stings.

Proper Use of technology: We hope this rule will never be broken because you don't wanna see someone's belongings getting broken. These pieces of technology are very hard to replace and are very expensive.

We hope you will have learned and maybe obey these rules more often.
This has been a blog from Hebbville media.

Thursday 10 April 2014


                   SPRING FLING information

                The spring fling starts on April 14th 2014 and runs all week.

                          MONDAY is Floral print day. So wear your flowers!

                              TUESDAY is pastel day. Let's see those colours!

                   WEDNESDAY is bunny ears day. Hop your way in with some stylish ears!

    THURSDAY is rubber boot Easter. Wear your rubber boots and get ready for the class egg hunt!

                                           NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY

         This is all brought to you by the student council and Hebbville Media