Tuesday 11 February 2014

Backwards day Wedesday, Febuary 12, 2014

Backwards day Wedesday, Febuary 12, 2014
Hebbville Academy is having its annual winter carnival.The Hebbville winter festival goes from February 10th – Friday February 15th, 2014. (backwards day- February Wednesday 12th)
All of the Hebbville students and staff participate in the carnival.
Obviously this takes place in Hebbville Academy, Hebbville.
And in this case we are talking about backwards day.
Make sure you wear your clothes backwards!!!

\Backwards people

Happy backwards day!!!

Hockey Game Hebbville Patriots vs Bridgewater Viking:

February 14, 2014

 Bridgewater Memorial Arena, Empire st.                                                                  

               Hockey Game


                                  Come and cheer on your teams at the Bridgewater Arena on Empire st.

                                                    Hebbville Patriots vs. Bridgewater Vikings

                                      Don’t forget to wear your patriot colors. Red, Blue, and White.

                                                        Don’t forget to bring noise makers.

                                                             (We will be traveling by bus.)


Hebbville Academy Dance

Hi we are here to promote the Hebbville Academy dance.

What: Hebbville Dance.

When: Thursday February the 13th 7:00pm-10:00pm.

Where: Hebbville Academy.

Why: To have fun.

Who: Anyone from 7-10 grade-level.

How: To get in you need $9 or $8 with a food bank donation.
The dance is a black light dance. If you have late work you could be on the ineligibility list. You are on the list if you have missed school a lot or if you have overdue, unfinished work.

iPads in Hebbville Academy

The iPads were introduced by the T.E.L.P program. The T.E.L.P program wants to give students ipads to help get students into technology to give them more opportunities to use the iPads for learning.

In my opinion I think it’s a good idea because if we use technology more often there will be less of a need for the use of paper. This means the wood companies won’t have cut down so many trees.

So now in Hebbville Academy you probably see about half of the students running around with iPads.

Thanks for reading!



-        Brought to you by Hebbville Media






Thursday February 13th – The Outdoor Winter Relay


On Thursday February 13th, there shall be an Outdoor Winter Relay for the Winter Carnival. In this relay, the contestants will need to run through the snow, pick up snowballs at the end, and try to hit things with them on the way back. The Outdoor Relay is the fourth activity this week, and starts at lunch hour. This is promised for a very fun, exciting, spectacular activity at this year’s Winter Carnival!


 Photo from www.wikihow.com



Brought to you by Hebbville Media!

Hypnotist Coming To Hebbville Academy!

Hypnotist Coming To Hebbville Academy!

Ian Stewart will be coming to entertain Hebbville Academy. Ian will be hypnotizing the grade 9’s and make them do FUNNY things, such as pretending to be monkeys and talking to their shoe. He is coming for the Winter Carnival Week at Hebbville Academy on Wednesday, February 12th.

Hebbville Academy Gangster Day!

Hebbville Academy Gangster Day!

Today is the second day of the Hebbville 2014 winter carnival, and everyone, and we mean even the teachers are getting into the groove of gangsters!

February 11, at Hebville it’s the day for hats and swaaaager!

Hats, low pants, brother underwear, swag shirt and LOTS of fun!

If you haven’t taken part in the fun of Hebbville’s winter carnival you’re missing out in the fun!

Hope to see you there!
Brought to you by Hebbville media

Neon 80's Day!

Neon 80’s Day

Thursday February 13, 2014

Come and dress up like your parents did in the 80’s for Neon 80’s day! Get a wig and some bright clothes for the fun day. Put some makeup on nice and thick, and guys, “rock that afro!”