Tuesday 17 December 2013

How to get used to the school day routines

Here are 4 ways to get used to a school day routine:

1. Remembering your locker combo: Write it down on a piece of paper or device and read it many times to get it stuck in your head.

2. Don't share your locker combo: Even if it is your best friend, do the smart thing and don't tell them.

3. Be prepared for class: Remember to bring anything you need for classes like pencils, erasers and etc.

4. Don't get your classes mixed up: remember to read your schedule at daily times like recess or between classes so you don't go to the wrong class.

By Aditya and Ethan (Including Jason who was absent today)

Brought to  you by Hebbville Media

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Organization for the next generation

Brought to you by Hebbville Media
                                         Organizational Tips                                    

>Keep everything about the same topic in one place in your binder
>Put all your papers in your binder when you get them
>If you have trouble keeping your papers in your binder plastic sleeves can come in handy
> Zipper binders can help to keep your papers where there supposed to be inside your binder and get them not to fall out
>Keep your binders lined up at the bottom of your locker
>Don't just throw everything inside
>Give everything a certain place to be and put them there
> Wooden shelves come in handy because store bought ones can break if you frequently use them. (Wooden ones are sturdier)
 4 Teachers
>We all know you have trouble keeping your desks clean so boxes and dividers can be really handy
>Also if you empty your coffee cup and clean it every day it will be easier to clean the rest of your desk
> Tidy your desk at the end of the day before you go home so you can come back to a clean desk the next day
FOR ALL recycle unwanted papers
Organization for the next generation